News and updates à la Française, part quatre


Well-Known Member
Have you considered the possibility that, just for example, Mazzara might have an injury that impacted her performance at Nationals and means she really shouldn't be competing again for a while - or acquired one there? If she has, which is far from impossible, it would be infinitely preferable for them to give her time to recover than to risk breaking her permanently to get an outside chance of retaining a second spot in what's frankly a joke of a competition to start with. Schild and Ghozali unfortunately, IIRC, don't have the full set of TES minimums to take up the second spot and Mae-Berenice isn't able to compete yet, so sending Serna alone may be the only option they have.
Holy hypotheticals Batman!

Seriously if the athlete hasn't said they have an injury why would we consider it? It's perfectly acceptable to question the FFSG not filling the quota of women for Europeans, making up hypotheticals to justify the FFSG decision seems, bizarre at best. We question the federations all the time for their selections why would this be any different?


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Holy hypotheticals Batman!

Seriously if the athlete hasn't said they have an injury why would we consider it? It's perfectly acceptable to question the FFSG not filling the quota of women for Europeans, making up hypotheticals to justify the FFSG decision seems, bizarre at best. We question the federations all the time for their selections why would this be any different?
Yeah, I agree that there’s no reason for a crazy hypothetical that everyone else should go along with, when time after time, France withdraws skaters from the Grand Prix in which they have automatic entries (and then tells skaters to compete when they are injured).


Marquessa of Chartreuse
Holy hypotheticals Batman!

Seriously if the athlete hasn't said they have an injury why would we consider it?
Because French fed doesn't always communicate on its athletes' injuries, nor do the athletes themselves. Mazzara is actually injured. That's the kind of thing you learn through the grapevine, by team mates or chatting with coaches and officials. BUT: it doesn't mean she'd been sent to Euros had she been in perfect shape. She has had poor results since the start of this season. My best bet is she wouldn't have been selected anyway.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
Health information is considered personal data and FFSG can’t share it without athlete’s consent.
And that's why they don't bother publishing anything even when the athlete talks freely about it ;) They do sometimes only if it is the reason athletes withdraw from a competition, but not even always.


'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
My student was in a Lyon gym this morning and he met a guy that was going to the Olympics for France.
He wasn't wearing a mask 🤦‍♀️
France currently has 400k+ Omicron cases a day, and Lyon has one of the highest number of infections.😱


Well-Known Member
A new French pair was announced on their insta accounts:
Oceane Piegad - Denys Strekalyn

Denys was in partnership with Cleo Hamon ( 5th at junior worlds, 9th at Europeans, 20th at Worlds,..)
He is only 5'9" but very strong. I believe he has his French citizenship by now.

Oceane was a promising junior with decent jumps. She is about 5'0". She started pairs last year with Remi Belmonte.
It looks like they will train in Bercy with Claude Perry. ( Not in Caen with Bruno Massot)
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Well-Known Member
the presentation of Adam Siao Him Fa for Olympic 2022 : in french

Hi! Turn on closed subtitles/cc, go to settings, it will say French (auto-generated), select auto-translate, go to English. The translation is not very good, but it will give you an idea what they are saying/laughing about.
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Well-Known Member
Last for Gabriella and Guillaume :

ind this on the youtube in the comment :

Agathe H

Here is a raw English translation of the interview (feel free to correct me if you notice any mistake) :
Gabi : We practiced that move with our ballet teacher
Guillaume : Aah, I'm sure they'll keep that during the editing
"En route pour Pékin" : On the road to Beijing
Question : How did you discover ice dancing ?
Guillaume : It was thanks to my sister, who practiced ice skating at Clermont-Ferrand (city in France). I guess it was convenient for my parents that we practiced the same sport and that's how I started.
Gabi : My mum was an ice skating coach so I started thanks to her.
Question : What do you like most in ice dancing ?
Guillaume : This sort of feeling that we are flying over the ice. I think that's the magic of this sport.
Gabi : I would say the same thing and also all the richness in doing choregraphies, exploring different dance styles, the very demanding work it requires. It's very complex and very rich, we learn a lot, that's what I like most.
Question : The first time you met ?
Guillaume : It's hard to say because we met when we were about six years old.
Gabi : Yeah
Guillaume : Sooo, I don't really know what we said to one another then
Gabi : I can't remember either
Guillaume : We were friends, we were buddies
Gabi : I don't remember the day we met exactly, we just grew up in the same circles, we were doing the same things.
Question : The biggest challenge when you are an ice dancers couple ?
Gabi : "To break the ice" (wink)
Guillaume : (wink wink)
Question : The most stressed out of the two ?
Guillaume : It depends on the competition.
Gabi : Yeah, I would say it's pretty much the same. It depends, sometimes it's him, sometimes it's me. But usually, we balance each other out.
Question : The most perfectionnist ?
Gabi : I would say Guillaume
Guillaume : If by "perfectionnist" you mean "ballbuster", then that would be me. (laughs) I don't know if I'm allowed to say that here.
Question : Who's the most punctual ?
Gabi : It's him. Mister is a perfectionnist.
Guillaume : That said, I am not the MOST punctual
Gabi : Just the least late
Guillaume : Let's say there isn't much competition on that level
Question : How do you pick the music ?
Gabi : We don't always agree but the agreeing process ... (laughs), wtf "the agreeing process" ... anyway, the agreeing process goes rather smoothly
Guillaume : We "tune our violins" (French expression to say "to find an agreement" + he's making a pun with the words "accord" which means agreement and "accorder" which means to tune)
Gabi : Haha, very funny
Question : The ideal music ?
Gabi : I'd find it cool to have silence but with only mikes under our skates, so that we only hear the sound of the blades on the ice. And it would be like a kind of... "music". (unconvinced) That'd be cool I think...or not ? Maybe ?
Guillaume : (very unconvinced)
Question : Do you have a superstition before competing ?
Gabi : All of our competition days are similar, so we are used to a certain rythm, we have our little things. Like we visualize the program in our head while holding hands, we walk hand in hand before competing. It's a multitude of tiny little things that make our routine
Question : The worst question you are always being asked ?
Guillaume : There's a question we hate, it's when we are asked to describe the other using three words. That question comes back every time.
Gabi : Yeah, or "Name three of Guillaume's flaws"...while he's standing next to me ! Well, I'm not going to say. I mean, we have to skate together tomorrow sooo...
Question : How do you approach Beijing 2022 ?
Guillaume : We acquired a lot of maturity. We grew up, too. We're four years older, now, four more years of experience. And I think these Olympics represent something a bit different. We still have the same goal, winning the gold medal. But I think we acquired a certain serenity, a certain experience we probably didn't have four years ago.
Question : A message for the audience ?
Gabi : Thank you for being here and for supporting us. We especially realise how important that is, since we spent a year and a half with the *********, not being able to see you. So we're really glad that we finally get the chance to reconnect with you all, even from a distance, so thanks.
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As of 17 février 2022:

Les patineurs français sélectionnés pour les Championnats du Monde de Montpellier (21-27 mars) sont :

- Danse :

Gabriella Papadakis et Guillaume Cizeron, qui viennent d’être sacrés champions olympiques à Pékin

(Remplaçants : Evgeniia Lopareva et Geoffrey Brissaud)

- Dames :

Léa Serna

- Hommes :

Kévin Aymoz
Adam Siao Him Fa

(Remplaçants : Luc Economides et Romain Ponsart)

- Couples :

Camille et Pavel Kovalev


Tickets for the post-Worlds tour (all cities except for Grenoble):
- Courchevel vendredi 1 avril 2022 à 19 h
- Grenoble samedi 2 avril 2022 à 20h00:
- Clermont Ferrand dimanche 3 avril 2022 à 15h00
- Clermont Ferrand dimanche 3 avril 2022 à 18h00
- Brive La Gaillarde lundi 4 avril 2022 à 20h00
- Poitiers mardi 5 avril 2022 à 20h00
- Bordeaux mercredi 6 avril 2022 à 18h00
- Tours jeudi 7 avril 2022 à 20h00
- Boulogne Billancourt vendredi 8 avril à 20h00
- Besançon samedi 9 avril à 20h00
- Epinal dimanche 10 avril à 15h00


Well-Known Member
Just discovered Dania Mouaden / Théo Bigot , what an impressive young couple they are. Great glide, musicality and poise for their age. If they can continue, they are definitely a young team to watch out for.
Must be in the water.


Marquessa of Chartreuse
Tickets for the post-Worlds tour (all cities except for Grenoble):
- Courchevel vendredi 1 avril 2022 à 19 h
- Grenoble samedi 2 avril 2022 à 20h00:
- Clermont Ferrand dimanche 3 avril 2022 à 15h00
- Clermont Ferrand dimanche 3 avril 2022 à 18h00
- Brive La Gaillarde lundi 4 avril 2022 à 20h00
- Poitiers mardi 5 avril 2022 à 20h00
- Bordeaux mercredi 6 avril 2022 à 18h00
- Tours jeudi 7 avril 2022 à 20h00
- Boulogne Billancourt vendredi 8 avril à 20h00
- Besançon samedi 9 avril à 20h00
- Epinal dimanche 10 avril à 15h00
Annecy has been added: March 31.


Well-Known Member
Just discovered Dania Mouaden / Théo Bigot , what an impressive young couple they are. Great glide, musicality and poise for their age. If they can continue, they are definitely a young team to watch out for.
Great knee action. Quite a commanding presence for their age.


Well-Known Member
He is quite the diva!
On ice.
He sounds quite shy in person.
(And he says he is, while skating makes him feel free)

Their staff and program as listed by coach Barbara Piton is FAR from the french standard for 10/11 yo (at the time of the interview; this season, they are 11/12 in age eligibility) : a dietician, a physical trainer, a mental trainer who can go to competitions, classical/hip-hop / contemporary dance classes, work with the National Circus School.

At their age, P/C didn't have access to half of this. It's a far more professional and complete training environment.
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