Euros 2024 Rhythm Dance: "We Want More spots for Spain & Georgia"

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Looking at results, only big surprise is Finns not in final group.

Lots of countries in danger of dropping spots

Italy from 3 to 2 (currently 16 combined placements)
Great Britain from 3 to 2 (currently 18 points)

Teams right on the bubble
France trying to keep 3 (currently 12 points)
Germany trying to keep 2 (currently 29 points)
Ukraine trying to keep 2 (currently 30 points)
Czech Republic trying to add a third spot (currently 14 points)

Hungary has already lost their second spot.


Well-Known Member
So, I'm not at all surprised at the huge audience turnout for both the RD and Pairs SP. There used to be an old saying that went something like "Whenever the Russians put a man and woman together on the ice, magic happens." Well, the Russians have nothing to do with any of it now but I have to say that I DO really love the events with men & women skating together. I guess that, on top of excellent skating skills, it's the connection between the partners and the extra thrill of TWO people doing such wonderful things in unison that just adds the icing to the cake for me. It's SO exciting ... I love both disciplines. As much as I adore watching the men, there's just something special about the couples for me.

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
The judging was a mixed bag of :rofl: and surprisingly good.

Alison should be 8th, I'd switch the Czechs, the gap between the Brits and the French is funny, as well as top two being separated by just a point. I'd also have the Germans lower and try to save Szemko, who generally was good.

But on the other hand, some lower ranked teams were judged surprisingly well; the Ukrainian switcheroo was on point, Davis and Smoking were neither grossly over scored not underscored, the "Irish" also finished on the correct spot.

The level of the competition is very good, and if it wasn't for the atrocious theme that no one seem to care for, I'd be delighted in general. Hoping for a better FD night.


Well-Known Member
Looking at results, only big surprise is Finns not in final group.

Lots of countries in danger of dropping spots

Italy from 3 to 2 (currently 16 combined placements)
Great Britain from 3 to 2 (currently 18 points)

Teams right on the bubble
France trying to keep 3 (currently 12 points)
Germany trying to keep 2 (currently 29 points)
Ukraine trying to keep 2 (currently 30 points)
Czech Republic trying to add a third spot (currently 14 points)

Hungary has already lost their second spot.
do we need 28 for two spots?

Andrey aka Pushkin

Playing ping pong with balls of chocolate jam
The transition into that rotational lift was not their best. It's a miracle Saulius got it off.

Okay, so the transitions weren't the smoothest. They're not the fastest. Their edges weren't the most stable. I STILL LOVED IT I DON'T CARE.

Reed & Ambrulevicius for EURO BRONZE! AND GIVE HER CITIZENSHIP ALREADY! :respec:
A citizenship that is.
Haven't the "Jewish" people suffered enough? :drama:


Well-Known Member
Once again ice dance fandom is a place to practice 12 step program principles: accept the things you cannot change. Wisdom to know what you can't change. What would dance be if there weren't something annoying, along with the perfs you're happy with? Maybe a future RD theme can be "Cirque de Soleil" with key points focused on writhing on the boards. Lean in. Embrace. Go for it.


Well-Known Member
Yuka Orihara and Juno Pirinen. Yuka is STAR.
Phebe Bekker/James Hernandez - Wow about the fall on the twizzles. They have good skating skills and packaging is very good. They skated so tenatively after the fall by Phebe. Shame :(
Irish team former Canucks do RICK MOFO JAMES. I throughly enjoyed. Props to Carol Lane team. Excellent music choice, Good editing too. Finally 80s R&B

Yes.. Tachelers beat Davis/Smoldkin

My fav french team - Skated so well. Sugar Hill gang, Sade, Sugar Hill. They should be above Davis/Smoldkin. They had better choreography, better musicality and better performers

ItA - Charlene and Marco's skill was on display. I like the costumes and they really performed well today. I would have them at 87+.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Caught up, watching the last group. Thrilled that the Italians lead! 🇮🇹

Lithuanians keep the Podium Host Spot.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
So I missed a lot of the early groups but see the Spanish team doesn't qualify for the FD.
Mistake sending them or did they just have some unfortunate errors?

Word on the street is that Olivia got her vooodoo doll out.

They made mistakes.
Eh... They made mistakes but it was also a mistake to send them. Even without the errors, they'd be nowhere near the top 10.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
Much like Aliison Reed, I'm enjoying my first glimpses of Lithuania; it's so beautiful. Truly a winter fantasy land. That feather tree is ah-may-zing.

Group One:
Jakucs is giving Urushadze some serious competition for best ponytail. Swiss girl in a fab blue pantsuit, A++, and I really need that eyeshadow. I do enjoy Layna Karnes Desperately Seeking Step Pattern get-up. Even though it's more lesser-appreciated 80s Madonna, I feel fairly sure Annie Lennox would approve.

Group Two:
C/K...I hear real estate is nice in Azerbaijan right now. Like, Baku is just through the roof with rising prices. I'm shocked to hear Chris say they got 60 points. WTH was going on with those judges?

Speaking of WTH moments...GO GO GADGET NIKOLAJ! I'd have NEVER pictured him for an ice dancer, but damn, what was he doing wasting all that time in singles? Side note: imagine this mixed with Shoma's SP "I Love You". Can't stop thinking about that little tidbit, can you? And she has another entry for Fabulous Ponytail. Hers is neater than Jakucs, but it doesn't give attitude like hers or Urushadze, so third for now. I floved everything about this; they are absolutely adorable. I have an easier time believing they once got 60 points. Not that they should have gotten 60 points, but it's easier to believe than the, ahem, Azerbaijan, team.

D/K. THIS IS THE 80S WE'VE ALL BEEN WANTING AND NEEDING, GIVE THEM ALL THE POINTS. The hot pink "skate warmers", I'm dead. Glitter basketball jersey is like, totally rad. Bodacious effort. That was hella gnarly, dudes and dudettes.

Val/Kazimov, well boys and girls, this is what happens when your ponytail is not fabulous. Just brings down your entire performance. Olivia Smart would never have had a less than perfect ponytail. :drama: That being said, I don't think S/D have that much more scoring potential than these two, and if it's spots you're looking for, well, the outcome would have been the same.

Group Three
Personal note: there is surely a hole in the bottom of my wine glass, cause it's empty and surely it's not gone already 🍷

P/L. Second overall. Huh. You know, they could have at least gone behind the Poles to better their chances to get in. That's really inconsiderate of them.

D/P. That was...serviceable. Their music might have been Michael Jackson, but everything else telegraphs we are Italians and want to skate to the same Italy Now! CD C/M use. I mean, you can practically see La Strada humming out of her. Not sure I agree with them being over the Spanish.

SOLENE! :cheer2: :cheer2: /partner without injury--YEEESSSS, she's so fabulous. And I love anyone who can pull off that haircut. I wish I had the right face shape for that longish pixie/shag mop.

H/F. There are much better Pet Shop Boys songs to choose from that these. I'm so :mad: because Pet Shop Boys is SUCH A GOOD IDEA...but not like this. It's like when one of my students writes a good thesis statement and the rest of the paper is just nonsense. This is like some weird sci-fi cosplay, like if Ed Wood decided to go to the local galaxy disco.

M/L, a nice antidote to whatever it was the Hungarians were doing. That was good, and fun, and what I expect from group three at Euros. Hope they make the FD! They seemed to really enjoy skating, it especially him. Surprised this came out of Babs. Her hair is perfection for the late 80s/early 90s club vibe they're going for, and I love the nod to Running Man. I mean, it's not what most of us think of as the 80s, but to differ from the majority of FSU, I think this definitely captured an aspect of the 80s, from costuming to music choice to choreography.

That group was incredibly long. I need cake. And wine. That was exhausting.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
Group Four:
R/K. Personal snark: I do not understand the popularity of Joan Jett's cover of Crimson and Clover. Glad they skated well in front of the home crowd. I didn't interpret Chris's remark at a swipe at Allison Reed or the revolving passport of the other skaters, but more like they are really the hometown heroes are both actually from Kaunas, just like an American commentator would specifically mention if a skater was born in a city or a member of the skating club hosting SKAM/Nationals.

H/B 🇺🇦 !!!!! So good! :wuzrobbed <--- joy. Crossing fingers for a top ten finish this year!! There have been skaters, good performances before this but I'm with Chris on this one--this is the first so far where they actually looked like a team. I credit the fabulously 80s crimped ponytail. And her little stars by her eyes, and our first two Qs!!!

NoNos. Errr...I have so many questions about this. If you skate to Faith, you have to have a jean jacket. THERE ARE RULES PEOPLE. I could accept his costume if they hadn't done Faith. I cannot imagine any situation where her outfit would work unless it was After Hours Oktoberfest. I couldn't even pay attention to the actual skating, I was so focused on trying to figure out their getups. It almost makes the Hungarians seem understandable.

D/N BABY FRENCHIES! :cheer: I do love the French version of the 80s. It's not really anyone else's version of the 80s, but if anyone says anything, just do a backflip and walk away.

M/R I appreciate all the teams using Walk Like An Egyptian were as Egyptian as the Bangles were. I really like their commitment to showing all the moods of the 80s--Bangles and Billy Idol together is an artistic statement indeed. And thus the Italians have solved the problem of Maria.

Group Five:
OMG, I never thought I'd say this but this ice dance segment is EXHAUSTING. At least if there were going to be 33 teams, the theme isn't polka.

This could possibly be the most entertaining group of the night.
D/S You know, I really want to hate them, but man, it's hard to hate those pants. Into first, and deservedly so, but you know, I would also just this once would have been OK had they dropped below R/K . He's the better skater but she was really into that performance and sold it well.

I/LS, This is an interesting music combo. Huh. That was very Eurodisco. Even without the fall, I think they would have assured Lithuania 2's entrance to the FD, but the ending had its moments, and good job for getting right back into it after the double fall.

Cannibal Finns--I'm not sure how her disco ball bathing suit counts as a costume except she is fabulous and can do anything she wants. I love his outfit too--how are we not talking about his shirt? "Dynamic"--this competition is so long he's had to break out his effusive praise thesaurus.

B/H got the memo about matching background and FINALLY skating to Prince and wearing purple. Her costume is a little too typical ice dance--she could honestly be about to do the rhumba as easily as Prince, but his is closer to the mark. Nice recovery from the fall. And like Phebe, I too am a fan of putting all the shades of purple eyeshadow on all at once (and yes, I really mean that). Unicorn Girl is weirdly upset--sister? significant other? stalker? I'm happy they made it through, but confused as well. I think there were better teams behind them. I'd have had them behind the Germans, if not the Swedes.

S/F I admit, I was skeptical, but wow. Good for them, and for 🇮🇪 I would have had them behind the Ukrainians, but whatevs.


Euler? Euler? Anyone?
VR/S I'd have rather have watched the first group skate again than watch that. Who are you trying to convince Chris that was a good it really us or is it YOU? Methinks tis time for M/L to be taking over.

P/P How are they in this group? These two need to sit down and watch some John Hughes movies and embrace their inner Molly Ringwald. Chris really struggling here. 61.42 seems...high for what they did.

So far, group five looked more like the penultimate group than this one.

Taschlers at least look like they belong in this group, and they look especially fantastic after the first two in this group. The only criticism I have is their costumes are not 80s at all, especially on her. That was just really good all the way around. I do believe the Georgians will be kicked off the sofa after this. Glad they're in first, but they should be in first by A LOT more than that

D/M I adore them. I still don't understand how their costumes relate to the music or theme, but surely D/M can do no wrong, and it is simply my small American brain cannot comprehend their French brilliance. It's me. I'm the problem. And the judges who put them behind the Georgians. They are the bigger problem.

Mrazeks, I don't get this program at all. They deserve better than this. This season Taschler>>>Mrazek, even though I think Mrazeks have more scoring potential than the Taschlers. They're great skaters, but this program just doesn't have "it".

L/B, my favorites!!!! I know there's not a chance in hell they'll medal, but this is my favorite RD of the season. I still have a hard time believing she's was born in Russia as she was so clearly meant to be a Frenchie. I really wish that had broken 80; they deserve it, damnit.

T/V I like them more this season than I have in the past, and I do really like their FD, but this is way too high a score for what they just did. I don't get their levels or GOE AT ALL. I'd have them behind the Georgians and French 2

F/G Best they've ever skated this, but I'm still not sold on it. I don't have a problem with them being in first as they really sold it to the rafters, but I have an issue with them being almost seven points in front of L/P

G/F The more I see them the more I love the Xanadu comic book Jane Fonda work out vibe, and if you don't like their packaging, well, you're WRONG. Medal contenders are really showing why they're medal contenders.

R/A She is so trashy and I LOVE IT and he looks the part. Their FD is horrendous, but the RD is everything an OES RD should be :rockstar:


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. Bleeding in the brain can cause lingering stroke like effects. In a young person, the brain can rewire, but that takes time.
Okay, but potentially not recovered enough to go back to figure skating where she’s at risk of another concussion which would compound her injury. In that interview she herself says she’s not fully healed yet.

Post-concussion syndrome isn’t something to take lightly.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Okay, but potentially not recovered enough to go back to figure skating where she’s at risk of another concussion which would compound her injury. In that interview she herself says she’s not fully healed yet.

Post-concussion syndrome isn’t something to take lightly.
Understood, but she suffered a stroke initially in addition to concussion.


void beast
I didn’t know that, awful for her. But even more reason for them to take their time with her recovery.
I do share your concerns. I know if I'd had that happen, I'd probably never go near the ice again! I hope she's following all medical advice, and not feeling too pressured to get back to where she used to be. I hope she didn't feel like she "had" to keep skating, because she didn't know what else to do with herself in life. I hope lots of things, but I don't know her, and she's the one living her life.

At the end of the day, I'm not gonna help her by not cheering for her, so I'm gonna cheer for her! With my fingers crossed.


Doing all the things
Okay, but potentially not recovered enough to go back to figure skating where she’s at risk of another concussion which would compound her injury. In that interview she herself says she’s not fully healed yet.

Post-concussion syndrome isn’t something to take lightly.
This is true. I had it for 4 years!! I still have trouble remembering words and it's been 12 years!

Which leads to my point: Eventually, you have to move on and live your life. I got mine in a bike accident and I did get back on the bike. But if I ever went skating, I'd wear a helmet as I fall much more skating than I do on the bike and I wear a helmet on the bike.


Reaching out with my hand sensitively
Saw the top three in replay.
Italians: Charlene’s bodysuit is SO fugly but is ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE to the time period. Bravo to whomever dreamed up that thing, because they did their homework. They looked so solid and reassured.
Fear and Gibson: eh.
Lithuanians: I HATE Guns and Roses so much. They also just … aren’t that good. Did not look to me like a bronze medal at Euros level team. Was the rest of the field that bad?

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