Cup of China 2023 Rhythm Dance - “Wake Me Up Before You Goe-Goe”


Ubering juniors against my will
LaLas. I really don't need to see this RD again. They are just so...shiny. But they skated it really, really well, so good job. I don't think they did such a great job that they should be ahead of G/P,
I think they did. They still don't do a lot for me connection-wise, or performance-wise, but they were SHARP today, and Piper messed up. It was fair.

but I'm sure it will right itself in the FD.

Fingers crossed!

GreenP OK. I have this figured out. So, Emily Bratti is the main character in an ABC after school special and wants to get the guy, who she feels is so much better and above her (and to be fair, he is) and she feels like if she looked more like Kazakova, she would be popular, and Caroline Green is her intro/spirit guide into this new world. Her bestie Eva tells her not to, stay in her lane, but what will she do? Will she study for the SATs or will she go to the party? Find out after these commercial sponsors! Later, Piper will come out and give an epic speech and show her the True Path and The Way and we'll all apologize to each other and share a Coke.

I'd watch it. :lol:


Needs a nap
See that was me up til now. Or, the difference in affect made them seem like two strangers in a rink forced to skate together.

But their programs this year are so good, and Zach is forcing himself to emote, and they really are fine technicians. So….

The RD this year is not convincing me. They're obviously trying with the thriller theme, but it just feels like two people trying really hard when I watch it. To me, they feel like great skaters, but not necessarily great dancers.

But, each to their own, obviously. Maybe I'll be the one who gets shamed for not joining a standing ovation this time. ;)


Well-Known Member

Think I'll restrain myself for now from commenting on the things that I find ridiculous about the scoring & results, and instead limit myself to the following observations about teams outside the top 3:

Demougeot & Le Mercier. There are some brilliant dance moments in this program. A shame they chop it up with the generic slow section for the 2nd piece. First bit was great. The last section was in & out. By the end of the season, though, I think that ending will be equally as great as the beginning. He has more of a feel for the dance style than a lot of the guys (and she's always a star, IMO).

I think Pate & Bye's My Prerogative RD is getting better. Sharper, which is important.

Kazakova & Reviya. Well, that placement is more like it than the ones they were getting in Europe. Bratti & Somerville are lucky to be ahead of them with the even more obvious mistake on the twizzles, but I think this music & the finger pointing are too generic. Now I'm going to say more about this team because I think they are going to be around for a while & I think it's time to take their potential seriously. Someone really needs to take K&R in hand. He's obviously physically stronger than a lot of guys. They need to be developing originality to maximize that, work harder on the unison than a lot of teams because the size difference exacerbates the lack if synchronicity in their movement, and someone needs to package them in a cohesive program.


RIP D-10
I get why Chen/Xing are significantly better than Shi/Wu, but I had much more fun watching Shi/Wu.

I <3 Demougeot/Le Mercier all the time, and I loved the feel of that RD and their holds. I think it can be tighter by the end of the year.

I can see Revia's appeal in a camp kind-of-way, but Kazakova is as interesting to me as watching paint dry.

I'm not sure why Bratti/Somerville have more chemistry that Pate/Bye. Somerville moves so well.

Green/Parsons' lift is so fugly. I wish whoever pressured them into changing the RD would get them to dump that lift. She's not a half-empty sack of flour.

Chock is a great performer, but I wonder if Green is the best US woman dancer.

Twizzles issues or no twizzles issues, I really love Gilles/Poiriers program. I think it's a lot more interesting and sophisticated than Lajoie/Lagha's and, for that matter, most of the RD's this year. Michael Jackson programs always seem a bit juvenile to me.


Well-Known Member
There have been good Michael Jackson programs, and I don't think any of them are being done this year.

(And there are at least 5 Michael Jackson programs this year).


Simply looking

G/P's dance already suffering on my second viewing. Mistakes aside, their kitschy dances are best on their first few viewings but hold less and less interest (for me) as the season progresses.

The Georgian and French team below (even marginally) Bratti/Summerville and Pate/Bye is just embarrassingly bad judging. #Sorry #Not sorry.


Well-Known Member
Sooooo. Big surprise here!

LaLa deserved first. I really dislike them mainly because of his grumpy or arrogant demeanor 🤷‍♀️ But I actually find myself liking this rhythm dance. So sharp and fast and captures the character of the MJ music video.

G&P…wow the judges didn’t seriously overlook a big error in the scoring of a top team here. I still find them schmaltzy. He is excellent always.

Green& Parsons looking better. Like the dance for the most part. Caroline really rocks it. Would like better toe point and extension from her. Stronger dance posture. Michael has it.

Pate and Bye are getting much sharper on this dance. They needed to. He is really good and I mostly watch him.

Bratti and Somerville. Agree unfortunately with PR Lady that he is sooo good and needs a new partner. Emily has outgrown him, darn it. He is tiny. Where is Avonley Nguyen???

Don’t get the French team or the Georgians (or are they Russian?)

I’m sure G&P will pull out the win in the end.


One of Nature's Non-Spinners
I think I said something in the Skate America thread about how the experiment with pandering to my demographic with the 80s theme was a failure.

As toddler Skateycat once said, I stand incorrect. I now am devoted to seeing as many rhythm dances as possible, senior and junior. I'm not sure what changed, but now I'm all ice dance all the time. :)

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
I have been really busy so try to catch up on the GP stuff when I can.

I did watch about half the RD and wanted to come into here to :swoon: over Bratti/Somerville. They kind of blew me away having never seen them before.

Okay with a name like Somerville they could have used Bronski Beat or the Communards.

However that midline step sequence absolutely rocked. It was seriously tight, so close together, fabulous unison and so spot on with the music. Ok I wasn't there so am only going by the video but for me I could have gone +4 on it. One of the best I have seen this season.
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