Just call me Harry. (Everything Harry & Meghan)

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Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
As I wrote, I have no doubt that Meghan had a horrible experience and didn't get the support that she should have. I do think it's fair to ask who exactly did the denying, and where Harry was during all this. He's not powerless.
He's not? He couldn't get the tabloids to quit writing lies or the BF to allow Meghan to get help. He couldn't get the 6 mos on 6 mos off he wanted or to keep his causes.

Of the all words in the English language I hate the word "should" the most. There are so many people who think they have the best idea of what everyone else should/should not do. FFS let them run their own lives without thinking you know best. I know that I have enough trouble running my own life without thinking I know what anyone else should do.


Well-Known Member
I could give a rip who lives in a mansion or not but I'm a big proponent of living within your means. If Harry & Meghan couldn't afford to live in a mansion and still within their own, financially independent means, well, I guess hard choices must be made. I drove my 2002 Hyundai Elantra into the ground (14 years and a barely working a/c some of those years when I just didn't have the extra cash to pay for it to be fixed), I had the same laptop for 10-12 years because until last summer's stimulus, I didn’t have the extra cash to replace it.
Well that's very nice and Susie Orman of you but not everyone lives like that or even wants to live like that. I think we all can make choices with what we do with our money. You choose to live extremely frugally. Me, some things I can live without but other things (theater tickets, etc) I spend more on.

If Harry and Meghan have the money, they can do what they damn well please with that money. Do you want to be their accountant?

This sounds exactly like the fragile snowflake Republicans who get so triggered when they see, say, a mother on welfare having an iPhone. I've read these arguments forever: "If she can afford an iPhone she can get off welfare." Um, actually, no, you have no idea how she got that iPhone and it's not your place to tell her that she doesn't have the right to an iPhone.

Somehow, these arguments are NEVER made to anyone but POC.


Doing all the things
To me, that's an American thing. Although I don't know what a courtesy address is. Whenever I visit a big shopping mall in the US (how I miss them), the street is named after the mall. I find it quite handy.
Okay so I take it back. They are re-doing the mall near me and putting in housing and retail in a mixed settings and all the streets are named for the mall. :lol:

If Harry & Meghan couldn't afford to live in a mansion and still within their own, financially independent means,
Except they can afford it. They can afford the mansion and the chicken coop and the security because they took the Netflix and Spotify deals.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Well that's very nice and Susie Orman of you but not everyone lives like that or even wants to live like that. I think we all can make choices with what we do with our money. You choose to live extremely frugally. Me, some things I can live without but other things (theater tickets, etc) I spend more on.

If Harry and Meghan have the money, they can do what they damn well please with that money. Do you want to be their accountant?

This sounds exactly like the fragile snowflake Republicans who get so triggered when they see, say, a mother on welfare having an iPhone. I've read these arguments forever: "If she can afford an iPhone she can get off welfare." Um, actually, no, you have no idea how she got that iPhone and it's not your place to tell her that she doesn't have the right to an iPhone.

Somehow, these arguments are NEVER made to anyone but POC.
Uhm, yeah, sure. Again, you're making some gross generalizations about me or anyone else who dares to not feel much sympathy for the multi-millionaires who got cut off by Dad for even more money.

Like, really, why do we have ANY sympathy for their financial woes?

FWIW, I have never had much use for the culture of victimization and I have dealt with more than my share of poor white folks who always have an excuse for why they are asking for a handout - it's strange that the same mentality of "I'm owed this" seems to be blind to race when someone thinks they can get something for free.


Well-Known Member
A lot of this reminds me of the outrage directed towards AOC when people found out she went to Boston University. Somehow, that meant her entire background was a lie, because she went to a private university. People have no idea how she wnet to Boston U. Maybe her dad saved up. She had a scholarship. Just because she went to Boston U. doesn't mean she was this entitled trust fund brat. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Okay so I take it back. They are re-doing the mall near me and putting in housing and retail in a mixed settings and all the streets are named for the mall. :lol:
The old Storage Tek plant site near us has two major roads: Disk Drive and Tape Drive. It will be interesting to see what people think that means twenty years from now. :D

I wonder if some of the security concerns relate to access to information about potential terrorist threats. Usually, governmental entities keep a lot closer tabs on those kinds of threats -- and possibly share info with other governments' security services.

When you've been raised in an environment where security is stressed all the time and where relatives have been killed (Mountbatten) or been the victims of attempted kidnapping (Anne -- and her protective officer, lady in waiting, and driver were shot during the attempt) or had intruders make it into the bedroom (Granny), as well as all the privacy invasions that plague the royals -- I can see where Harry might be focused rather heavily on security.
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Better off than 2020
Obama, Clinton and Bush extended their kids secret service time. If Presidents want to do that for a limited amount of time that’s fine.
I believe all those children were under 18 at the time they left office. US law covers underage. The Trump "children" are well over the age of 20 and should be responsible for their own security.


Well-Known Member
I believe all those children were under 18 at the time they left office. US law covers underage. The Trump "children" are well over the age of 20 and should be responsible for their own security.
No they did it for their kids who were in college. It’s common for Presidents to do it and I have no problem with any Presidents adult children having coverage none of them are asking for it for life.

Yes Harry can afford the mansion he can also afford the security so why complain that Dad cut him off and told him to fund his own life at 36.

to be quite frank bank of Charles wasn’t going to be around forever and Charles probably figured Harry needed to learn things himself since he left the families business. Unless he was going to be forever dependent on his brother and nephew.

I am sorry Harry is not a victim because Dad told him to take responsibility for frankly Harry’s own responsibilities. Harry left Charles didn’t kick him out.


Well-Known Member
So, in summary:

Harry and Meghan : We'd like to like to leave the firm please. Actually we'd like to go part time. Work for you sometimes do our own thing the rest. And Dad i assume you'll still pay security if The Firm won't...

The Firm: No thats not possible. You're either in or you're out there's no part time option. We can't pay security if you're out.

Dad: No if you're out, you're out. I won't pay your security either.

Harry and Meghan: Shit. Didn't think it would play out like this. Better find a plan.

Harry: I'm really rich but with these security costs the money won't last long. Ouch really didn't think Dad would say no. Really do have to grow up and make a plan now. Need to secure my family's future.

Press (and FSU - inc me): How entitled! How could they think Granny/Dad/the British/Canadian/US public should pay for their lifestyle/security. They need to sort themselves out. If they want to be financially independent they shouldn't expect others to pay their way!

Harry and Meghan: OK. Got a plan. We've found a way to pay for our lifestyle and security without being dependent on others.

Press (and FSU): Spotify! Netflix! So outrageous what a betrayal of the monarchy. Why would they do this? They're trading on their titles... etc.

Harry and Meghan: We've done these commercial deals to fund our ongoing security and lifestyle because the Firm and Dad wouldn't. We thought they would but they cut us off so we had to find a plan.

FSU: So entitled to expect Charles to pay. They brought this on themselves by moving abroad... Why should anyone else pay... (over and over again).


It seems to me that Harry thought he'd get help from his dad and was hurt/disappointed that it wasn't available. He came up with a plan. He's defended that plan by explaining why he (had to) come up with it.

Harry assuming/asking for assistance from his parents isn't that different to the many well off (middle and upper class so to speak) people who I know who have asked for and been given help by their parents to get on the property ladder - including some who already had inheritances from grandparents. Clearly not on the scale that Harry has but within the realms of their "class" and lifestyle expectations.

It's an alien concept to me to have those expectations as I have neither parents or grandparents who I could dream of asking for that sort of help - but its very, very common amongst more well off familes here. As well as parents who help because they can and want to regardless of if they've been asked. I doubt its that different elsewhere?

And his disappointment isn't that different to those who have been told no or been given less help than they hoped for. People who are raised to believe they are entitled to a certain life will become adults who believe they are entitled to a certain life - is this really such a surprise?

Why are people acting like he's (still) off having a tantrum about it when he simply responded by making a plan and defending it when criticised? Because that's essentially what has happened.
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How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
So, in summary:

Harry and Meghan : We'd like to like to leave the firm please. Actually we'd like to go part time. Work for you sometimes do our own thing the rest. And Dad i assume you'll still pay security if The Firm won't...

The Firm: No thats not possible. You're either in or you're out there's no part time option. We can't pay security if you're out.

Dad: No if you're out, you're out. I won't pay your security either.

Harry and Meghan: Shit. Didn't think it would play out like this. Better find a plan.

Harry: I'm really rich but with these security costs the money won't last long. Ouch really didn't think Dad would say no. Really do have to grow up and make a plan now. Need to secure my family's future.

Press (and FSU - inc me): How entitled! How could they think Granny/Dad/the British/Canadian/US public should pay for their lifestyle/security. They need to sort themselves out. If they want to be financially independent they shouldn't expect others to pay their way!

Harry and Meghan: OK. Got a plan. We've found a way to pay for our lifestyle and security without being dependent on others.

Press (and FSU): Spotify! Netflix! So outrageous what a betrayal of the monarchy. Why would they do this? They're trading on their titles... etc.

Harry and Meghan: We've done these commercial deals to fund our ongoing security and lifestyle because the Firm and Dad wouldn't. We thought they would but they cut us off so we had to find a plan.

FSU: So entitled to expect Charles to pay. They brought this on themselves by moving abroad... Why should anyone else pay... (over and over again).


It seems to me that Harry thought he'd get help from his dad and was hurt/disappointed that it wasn't available. He came up with a plan. He's defended that plan by explaining why he (had to) come up with it.

Harry assuming/asking for assistance from his parents isn't that different to the many well off (middle and upper class so to speak) people who I know who have asked for and been given help by their parents to get on the property ladder - including some who already had inheritances from grandparents. Clearly not on the scale that Harry has but within the realms of their "class" and lifestyle expectations.

It's an alien concept to me to have those expectations as I have neither parents or grandparents who I could dream of asking for that sort of help - but its very, very common amongst more well off familes here. As well as parents who help because they can and want to regardless of if they've been asked. I doubt its that different elsewhere?

And his disappointment isn't that different to those who have been told no or been given less help than they hoped for. People who are raised to believe they are entitled to a certain life will become adults who believe they are entitled to a certain life - is this really such a surprise?

Why are people acting like he's (still) off having a tantrum about it when he simply responded by making a plan and defending it when criticised? Because that's essentially what has happened.
Not quite, @mella - I could care less about the Spotify or Netflix deals. I don't need to consume the media content they produce if I'm not interested or don't support them. That's what free enterprise is all about. I can make a conscious, ethical choice - kind of like how I made the choice to quit Twitter and have really pulled back from my FB usage because I don't agree with their "fact-checking" algorithms and censorship policies.

I did not care for the Oprah interview because they pretty much trashed the BRF and are playing the victim card hard. Again, there is plenty of information out there at everyone's disposal to come to their own conclusions and opinion about the wisdom of this interview and the veracity of some of their claims. All it did was solidify my desire to avoid any and all content they produce for Netflix (I don't have Spotify so it won't be a problem there).


Well-Known Member
So, in summary:

Harry and Meghan : We'd like to like to leave the firm please. Actually we'd like to go part time. Work for you sometimes do our own thing the rest. And Dad i assume you'll still pay security if The Firm won't...

The Firm: No thats not possible. You're either in or you're out there's no part time option. We can't pay security if you're out.

Dad: No if you're out, you're out. I won't pay your security either.

Harry and Meghan: Shit. Didn't think it would play out like this. Better find a plan.

Harry: I'm really rich but with these security costs the money won't last long. Ouch really didn't think Dad would say no. Really do have to grow up and make a plan now. Need to secure my family's future.

Press (and FSU - inc me): How entitled! How could they think Granny/Dad/the British/Canadian/US public should pay for their lifestyle/security. They need to sort themselves out. If they want to be financially independent they shouldn't expect others to pay their way!

Harry and Meghan: OK. Got a plan. We've found a way to pay for our lifestyle and security without being dependent on others.

Press (and FSU): Spotify! Netflix! So outrageous what a betrayal of the monarchy. Why would they do this? They're trading on their titles... etc.

Harry and Meghan: We've done these commercial deals to fund our ongoing security and lifestyle because the Firm and Dad wouldn't. We thought they would but they cut us off so we had to find a plan.

FSU: So entitled to expect Charles to pay. They brought this on themselves by moving abroad... Why should anyone else pay... (over and over again).


It seems to me that Harry thought he'd get help from his dad and was hurt/disappointed that it wasn't available. He came up with a plan. He's defended that plan by explaining why he (had to) come up with it.

Harry assuming/asking for assistance from his parents isn't that different to the many well off (middle and upper class so to speak) people who I know who have asked for and been given help by their parents to get on the property ladder - including some who already had inheritances from grandparents. Clearly not on the scale that Harry has but within the realms of their "class" and lifestyle expectations.

It's an alien concept to me to have those expectations as I have neither parents or grandparents who I could dream of asking for that sort of help - but its very, very common amongst more well off familes here. As well as parents who help because they can and want to regardless of if they've been asked. I doubt its that different elsewhere?

And his disappointment isn't that different to those who have been told no or been given less help than they hoped for. People who are raised to believe they are entitled to a certain life will become adults who believe they are entitled to a certain life - is this really such a surprise?

Why are people acting like he's (still) off having a tantrum about it when he simply responded by making a plan and defending it when criticised? Because that's essentially what has happened.
I would call the interview a tantrum. He could have said we had security costs and so had to do the deals Because we couldn’t expect our father and the British tax payer to pay for our security costs.

That would have been the classy way to handle it.

And yes we can all expect help and also for it. But surely though their are times when we decide we cannot help aomeone anymore.

Maybe we feel that by helping we an enabling. We don’t know if Charles tried to negotiate with Harry and Meghan things like living in U.K. so less security costs? And maybe their lack of Care and concern bothered him.

We don’t know if Charles had concerns about much they were spending.

On a personal note I can tell you there is absolute nothing worse than people who are asking for your help or your money making demands on you. And ordering you around about what they are entitled to.

There is a lot there that could have lead to Charles saying your own your own then figure it out. And maybe he felt Harry especially needed to learn money didn’t grow on trees. Because Charles won’t be there forever.


Well-Known Member
Not quite, @mella - I could care less about the Spotify or Netflix deals. I don't need to consume the media content they produce if I'm not interested or don't support them. That's what free enterprise is all about. I can make a conscious, ethical choice - kind of like how I made the choice to quit Twitter and have really pulled back from my FB usage because I don't agree with their "fact-checking" algorithms and censorship policies.
Omg. Don't tell me you're one of those people outraged that a post saying vaccines will turn you into a KFC drumstick got taken down.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Not quite, @mella - I could care less about the Spotify or Netflix deals. I don't need to consume the media content they produce if I'm not interested or don't support them. That's what free enterprise is all about. I can make a conscious, ethical choice - kind of like how I made the choice to quit Twitter and have really pulled back from my FB usage because I don't agree with their "fact-checking" algorithms and censorship policies.

I did not care for the Oprah interview because they pretty much trashed the BRF and are playing the victim card hard. Again, there is plenty of information out there at everyone's disposal to come to their own conclusions and opinion about the wisdom of this interview and the veracity of some of their claims. All it did was solidify my desire to avoid any and all content they produce for Netflix (I don't have Spotify so it won't be a problem there).
Ummm. OK? I didn't quote or summarise you/your posts personally? I summarised one of the themes in this thread (or a previous royal thread perhaps can't recall the timing) from a while back and tied it to the current discussion. The fact that your personal views aren't to do with that particular theme doesn't negate its existence.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Omg. Don't tell me you're one of those people outraged that a post saying vaccines will turn you into a KFC drumstick got taken down.:lol:
LOL! No. I'm a firm supporter/believer in vaccines - just waiting for my group to be eligible here in Oregon in a few more weeks and then I'll be looking for an available appointment (and happy my parents are already vaccinated). But, if people want to say that and question the ingredients in vaccines or the after-effects of vaccination, they're more than free to do so. Just like most of civilized, educated society is going to think they're batshit when the anti-vaxxers go on their rants, lol.


Well-Known Member
I would call the interview a tantrum. He could have said we had security costs and so had to do the deals Because we couldn’t expect our father and the British tax payer to pay for our security costs.

That would have been the classy way to handle it.

And yes we can all expect help and also for it. But surely though their are times when we decide we cannot help aomeone anymore.

Maybe we feel that by helping we an enabling. We don’t know if Charles tried to negotiate with Harry and Meghan things like living in U.K. so less security costs? And maybe their lack of Care and concern bothered him.

We don’t know if Charles had concerns about much they were spending.

On a personal note I can tell you there is absolute nothing worse than people who are asking for your help or your money making demands on you. And ordering you around about what they are entitled to.

There is a lot there that could have lead to Charles saying your own your own then figure it out. And maybe he felt Harry especially needed to learn money didn’t grow on trees. Because Charles won’t be there forever.

Charles had every right to say no. Whether that be immediately, after a transition period. Whatever he thought appropriate and he owes no one an explanation on his reasons for that and I choose not to speculate on them. No on owes anyone am explanation on how they spend their money. Although to some extent by virtue of how the royals are funded there does need to be accountable/oversight in some respects which there is.

You see the interview as a tantrum. I didn't. I saw it as their attempt to tell their side of the story. I think it was clumsy and I don't think any good will come of it but it's entirely their right to attempt to do it. Just as Buckingham Palace are within their rights to issue statements throwing shade on H&M's version of the events. Everyone gets to communicate in the style they consider best suits them.

As for people asking for money and being entitled - I thought I made it clear that on a personal level I don't get it. But by the same token if Harry is entitled he's hardly unique which you clearly know as you appear to have had your own issues with that sort of thing. That was my point. He's now learned the lesson (perhaps) that money isn't going to fall into his lap (anymore) by virtue of an accident of birth. Most his peers will never have that lesson. That said... vast sums of money will still come his way far easier than it ever will for the rest of us - by virtue of an accident of birth!


Well-Known Member
Anyway, I wonder what stuff they'll produce for Netflix. Netflix is actually a very competitive market. You have to produce quality stuff for Netflix.

I will watch it even if it’s crap. I am so petty. I have not watched a Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie film in decades. I will stop watching The Crown....well I stopped anyways because the third season sucked so bad.

They can do a reality series on their chickens and I will watch it.


Well-Known Member
I will watch it even if it’s crap. I am so petty. I have not watched a Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie film in decades. I will stop watching The Crown....well I stopped anyways because the third season sucked so bad.

They can do a reality series on their chickens and I will watch it.

The Crown got its mojo back in the fourth season. The third season was awful. A whole season of Olivia Colman pouting and frowning.


How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
Some interesting op/eds from spiked.com written by Brendan O'Neill - an avowed republican in Great Britain



How long do we have to wait for GP assignments?
One thing that I just recalled reading in the past 48 hours since the interview with regard to Charles paying for not only their lifestyle but also security once they turned into private citizens... It was pointed out that as long as H&M were working royals, Charles/the Duchy of Cornwall could classify pretty much all of it (including wardrobe) as business expenses and that income was not taxable, but once they turned into private citizens if he paid for them then it becomes personal expenses and is taxable. As long as he is putting the income from the DoC back into the Duchy or using it for royal business, it's not taxed but once he uses it for personal... So, it's possible, from a business/taxes/transparency/accountability POV, that it just doesn't make any good sense for him to spend that money on them privately.


Well-Known Member
Not quite, @mella - I could care less about the Spotify or Netflix deals. I don't need to consume the media content they produce if I'm not interested or don't support them. That's what free enterprise is all about. I can make a conscious, ethical choice - kind of like how I made the choice to quit Twitter and have really pulled back from my FB usage because I don't agree with their "fact-checking" algorithms and censorship policies.

I did not care for the Oprah interview because they pretty much trashed the BRF and are playing the victim card hard. Again, there is plenty of information out there at everyone's disposal to come to their own conclusions and opinion about the wisdom of this interview and the veracity of some of their claims. All it did was solidify my desire to avoid any and all content they produce for Netflix (I don't have Spotify so it won't be a problem there).
So why do you obsessively post on the subject then? You aren’t secretly Piers Morgan are you? 😳


Well-Known Member
One thing that I just recalled reading in the past 48 hours since the interview with regard to Charles paying for not only their lifestyle but also security once they turned into private citizens... It was pointed out that as long as H&M were working royals, Charles/the Duchy of Cornwall could classify pretty much all of it (including wardrobe) as business expenses and that income was not taxable, but once they turned into private citizens if he paid for them then it becomes personal expenses and is taxable. As long as he is putting the income from the DoC back into the Duchy or using it for royal business, it's not taxed but once he uses it for personal... So, it's possible, from a business/taxes/transparency/accountability POV, that it just doesn't make any good sense for him to spend that money on them privately.
Yes and Charles paid for Harry’s wedding. Apparently they said he makes 27 million a year annual and if those security bills are 10 million that’s a huge part of his income and I would be very annoyed myself if my child demanded that and refused to make any compromises to bring costs down.

But I do believe the constant media criticism would drive anyone to mental health problems
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Well-Known Member
Okay. But didn’t Quebec also kind of start due to colonialism by the French? It the people of Quebec want to separate it’s up to them. But will they be better of separate.

They came close at one point in the last 20 years or so (don't remember when, specifically), but a referendum narrowly determined 'no'.


Active Member
Some interesting op/eds from spiked.com written by Brendan O'Neill - an avowed republican in Great Britain

Very good articles, thank you !
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