Recent content by overedge

  1. overedge

    Healing a Broken Sport: My Story - by Morgan Matthews

    Morgan's latest post is bang on. I really encourage everyone to sign up for her Substack. All of her suggestions are excellent, but this one is especially important IMO.
  2. overedge

    Skating Great Toller Cranston’s Incredible Life Captured In New Book

    It's also not unusual for someone to die without leaving a will. Some of the interviewees in the book said that he had been feeling unwell in the days before he passed away, but he said he was too busy to go see a doctor. It seems that he was in some denial about the state of his health.
  3. overedge

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    The report on Richard Callaghan was leaked online by someone who had access to it, but otherwise it wasn't publicly posted. I would guess this report isn't formally available.
  4. overedge

    Skating Great Toller Cranston’s Incredible Life Captured In New Book

    His sister's book is....interesting, in that if you didn't know there were two brothers in the family, you would never know it from reading the book. This may explain why:
  5. overedge

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Statement from USFS, from Brennan's Twitter account: USFS needs to take responsibility for how it enabled Sappenfield. This isn't it. Tarah only had to be "courageous" because she wasn't listened to at the time the abuse happened, in a rink that was right near USFS headquarters.
  6. overedge

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    And the programs she gave her pairs were boring and stale. It just shows what a good politicker she was that USFS gave her and her pairs the big push nonetheless.
  7. overedge

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Everyone at USFS who looked the other way when they received the first complaints about her, and everyone at USFS who did nothing about incidents like the red hats at Nationals, should be held accountable IMO. The owners and managers of the rink(s) where she coached also need to be held...
  8. overedge

    Keeping Track of Criminal Cases & SafeSport Suspensions in Skating

    Good riddance and about time. And virtual ((hugs)) to all the skaters and other participants who were subjected to her abuse.
  9. overedge

    2023–24 Canadian Ice Dance: News and Updates

    I agree, but OTOH if they feel that they've gone as far as they can, it makes more sense to cut their future losses and stop now. It costs a lot (for every team) to stay in until the Olympics, and if there's not much chance of getting there, it may not be worth the investment.
  10. overedge

    Royalty Thread #16: the best of times, the worst of times

    Bridget Moynihan is also a really talented actress. She's a lot more than a celebrity's "baby mama".
  11. overedge

    Canadian figure skating

    Thanks, @Sylvia, I feel less confused now.
  12. overedge

    Canadian figure skating

    Now I'm confused. The event that was at Centre Slush Puppie is now at the much more boringly named Place Bell? Or did the venue change its name in the last week?
  13. overedge

    Canadian figure skating

    "Centre Slush Puppie" has to be one of the best arena names in the country :lol:
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